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The University of Western Australia

Natural & Technical Language Processing Group


Technical Language Processing

  • Dima, A., Lukens, S., Hodkiewicz, M., Sexton, T., & Brundage, M. P.
    Applied AI Letters, 2(3), e33 (2021).
  • Smoker, T., French, T., Liu, W., and Hodkiewicz, M.
    ICSRS 2nd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, December 20-22, 2017 Milan, Italy.
  • Benchmarking for keyword extraction methodologies in maintenance work orders
    Sexton, T., Hodkiewicz, M., Brundage, M.P. and Smoker, T.
    US PHM Society Annual Conference, 24-28 September 2018, Philadelphia.
  • Categorization Errors for Data Entry in Maintenance Work-Orders
    M.Brundage, T.Sexton & M.Hodkiewicz
    Annual meeting of Prognostics Health Management Society (PHM), Arizona, Sept 21-26, 2019
  • Digitalization and reasoning over maintenance data stored in tables
    Melinda Hodkiewicz, Johan W. Klüwer, Caitlin Woods, Thomas Smoker, Wei Liu, Tim French
    Accepted to Maintenance in the Digital Era- 4th IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technologies, AMEST 2020, 10-11 September 2020, Cambridge University.
  • Pipeline for machine reading of unstructured maintenance work order records
    Y.Gao, C.Woods, W.Liu, T.French, M.Hodkiewicz
    30th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), Venice, Italy, Nov 1-6 2020
  • M Hodkiewicz, T Bikaun, M Stewart
    World Congress on Engineering Asset Management
  • M.Brundage, T.Sexton, M.Hodkiewicz, A.Dima, S.Lukens
    Manufacturing Letters, Volume 27, January 2021.
  • Using Context-Free Grammar To Generate Synthetic Technical Short Texts
    T Bikaun, M Stewart, M Hodkiewicz
    Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AJCAI). 2022. (Publication pending)


  • Agreement Behavior of Isolated Annotators for Maintenance Work-Order Data Mining
    E.Hastings, T.Sexton, M.Brundage & M.Hodkiewicz
    Annual meeting of Prognostics Health Management Society (PHM), Arizona, Sept 21-26, 2019



  • An ontology for reasoning over engineering textual data stored in FMEA spreadsheet tables
    Hodkiewicz, M., Klüwer, J.W., Woods, C., Smoker, T. and Low, E.
    2021 Computers in Industry, 131.
  • Woods, C., Selway, M., Hodkiewicz, M., Ameri, F., Stumptner, M. and Sobel, W.
    OMI 2021: 11th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry, held at JOWO 2021: Episode VII The Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, September 11–18, 2021, Bolzano, Italy.
  • Practical and Scalable Pattern-based Ontology Engineering for Industry with Reasonable Ontology Templates (OTTR)
    M.G. Skjaeveland, J.W. Kluwer, Melinda Hodkiewicz, L.H. Karlsen, D.P. Lupp
    Tutorial ISWC 2019, Auckland, NZ.
  • ROMAIN: Towards a BFO compliant Reference Ontology for Industrial Maintenance
    Karray, M.H., Ameri, F., Hodkiewicz, M. and Louge
    T. Applied Ontology.
  • Template libraries for industrial asset maintenance: A methodology for scalable and maintainable ontologies.
    Lupp, D.P., Hodkiewicz, M. and Skjæveland, M.G., 2020.
    In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 2757, pp. 49-64). Technical University of Aachen.
  • Towards a Reference Ontology for Maintenance Work Management
    Melinda Hodkiewicz, Caitlin Woods, Emily Low, and Farhad Ameri
    Accepted for 10th International conference on interoperability for enterprise systms and applications. Rescheduled for Nov 17-20, Tarbes, France

Knowledge Graphs

Natural Language Processing